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Richard James Black Jr. or Jimbo as he is known ny 2/3 of the world's population.  Jim and I were brother/sister floor RAs and I would definitely count him as one of my best friends during the Wheaton years.  Ain't he a handsome devil?  Imagine what he looks like in the morning before he puts on his face? 

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My dear friend, Christie Eppler.  We met during one summer on Wheaton in England and Ireland and it has proved to the lasting legacy of that trip.  Chris has a Masters degree in counseling and is pursuing her Ph.D. at Michigan State.  Go Spartans! 

This dapper gentleman was the spark that ignited the powder keg... or something like that!  Em Griffin, my mentor and professor from Wheaton.  Lucky for me, I see Em at least one a year at conferences.  So, here we are, Em and Em. 


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My roommate from Wheaton, Esther.   There's lots of stories of Esther's sleeping or perhaps more appropriately the shenanigans we did while she was sleeping.  Pictures were the least of her concerns.   She may still have an ice-cube phobia and not be entirely sure why. 

Here's Jimbo again, with his bride Laurie, his WC roommate, Steve Potts, and his bride, Lisa (Petersen) Potts. 

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Here's my friends from Wheaton & expectant parents, Nancy (Palm) and Mike Everest.
Excuse me, that's Dr. and Mrs. Everest since Mike is now a Stanford graduate
and chemist.  That should explain the mad scientist on the right. 
If not, you just need to know Mike!  They are now living in Texas
and waiting for the big event in January.

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