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Pictures of Em, Tracy, & Jane (our French friend) at the Oscars

Best Supporting Actors
Haley Joel Osment, Michael Clarke Duncan, Tom Cruise, Jude Law, & Michael Caine

Best Supporting Actresses
Angelina Jolie & Chloe Sevigny

Gloria Estfan, Sarah MacLachlan, Faith Hill

Austin Powers
Mike Meyers & Heather Graham

TV Personalities
Joan Rivers, Roger Ebert

Last Year's Winners
Roberto!  Gwynth Paltrow

The New Charlie's Angels
Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Lui

American Beauty folks
Kevin Spacey, Sam Mendes

Extra #1
Ashley Judd, Salma Hayek & Ed Norton, Chad Lowe

Extra #2
Melanie Griffith, Winona Ryder, Keanu Reeves, Tobey McGuire